Your plastic headlight lenses are subjected to chemical and radiation assault every day. Your headlight lenses have little defense against the sun’s UV radiation and the volatile substances in car exhaust, which causes them to yellow and fog up. Headlight Restoration can protect and increase the visibility of your lenses! Let’s discuss this further with CT-Detailing in Louisville, KY, to learn more about what headlight restoration can do for your car.
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Is Restoring Your Headlights Worth It?
Headlight restoration will truly benefit your vehicle. Here is the importance of headlight restoration.
Maximize the performance of your LEDs.
By eliminating scratches and haze, restoration improves the performance of headlights. If you choose high-performance LEDs, you want them to emit the maximum amount of light. It will enhance your visibility.
Drive safely with improved lighting.
When your headlights are hazy, you cannot see as far into the horizon as you want. You may need to reduce your speed. With headlamp restoration, low and high beams illuminate the road in front of the vehicle.
Keep you protected and safe.
A driver’s visibility is vital for road safety. The greater one’s range of vision, the more time one has to respond. With bright headlights, you can stop faster, swerve to avoid animals on the road, and perhaps avoid highway accidents.
Save considerable money.
The cost of headlight repair is reasonable. Headlight restoration often saves you much money compared to purchasing new lenses. You also need not be concerned about headlamp installation.
How Much Is Headlight Restoration?
The cost of headlight restoration depends on many factors, like the method and materials we use. It takes time to maintain and clean your headlights. The whole headlight must be sanded and polished until it is clear. Depending on the size of the headlamp, this may take 30 to 45 minutes on each side.

What Is The Process Of Headlight Restoration?
Headlight Restoration consists of four steps that preserve your visibility and safety on the road. Here is the process of headlight restoration.
Prep work
Start by cleaning the headlights and surrounding area carefully. Tape off the surrounding portions of the headlights, leaving just the lens visible. It is intended to avoid accidental sanding of the hood or bumper while working.
Sand the surface
Remove oxidized areas of your headlight lens before restoring its smooth surface. Maintain constant motion across the surface of the lens and avoid applying excessive force.
Wet sand
Spray the headlight lens and sanding pad often with water, and the whole lens surface, until yellowing and pitting are eliminated. Again, keep the sanding pad moving over the surface of the lens, and don’t apply excessive pressure.
Utilizing the foam buffing pad and a dime-sized amount of rubbing compound can significantly enhance clarity. Apply the polish on the foam pad, then wipe it over the headlight lens before activating the polish machine. It will prevent the polishing compound from splattering all over the headlight as it is being rubbed in. Polish the headlight’s surface until it gleams with mild pressure.
Headlight restoration is a wise investment for preserving your vehicle in the best condition. At CT-Detailing in Louisville, KY, we use different methods and have qualified detailers to evaluate your car! Call CT-Detailing at (502)-939-2887 to book your appointment! Or you can schedule a time and take your vehicle to 134 Outer Loop #102, Louisville, KY 40214, United States! Call us right away!